Website pricing
Websites are all-inclusive
You provide photos, copy, and general information
Built with the latest technologies
Customized to iPhones, iPad & iMac
Hosting, domain name & email setup
4-8 weeks depending on availability:
Phase 1 - Concepts
Phase 2 - Edits & refinement
Phase 3 - Launch
We take care of all domain name, email & website setup
All you pay for is a monthly hosting fee to or, €11-35 per month
All websites are designed as simply as possible so you can manage on your own
If you prefer, we also provide support after launch.
Hourly - €120 per hour
Social Media Curation pricing
Social media strategy
You provide photos, and general information, and we develop the strategy, curate the content, and add graphic design
2 week build slot depending on availability:
Phase 1 - Concepts and strategy
Phase 2 - Edits & Refinement
Phase 3 - Launch
We take care of all desired platforms and manage comments
We develop a strategy and provide to you, and you can manage it on your own
If you prefer, we also provide support after launch
Hourly - €120 per hour